Support Team

WAT22 Support Team

The mission of the We Are The 22 Support Team is to provide financial and
moral support to WAT22 and promote education and outreach in the
community in an effort to further the core mission of the organization and
ultimately fulfill the needs of our Veterans. We will work relentlessly to
identify and facilitate opportunities for fundraising, educate our communities
regarding the services provided by WAT22 and partnering Veteran resource
organizations, and provide support to veterans in crisis and their families.

We are committed to exemplifying the mission and values of WAT22 and
will strive to act as an invaluable resource for the board, provide auxiliary
support to responders, and advocate for Veterans in crisis as this is our
shared vision.



  • To identify, plan and facilitate board approved fundraising opportunities and events
  • To facilitate drives designed to provide additional tangible resources to Veterans in crisis and their families
  • To provide supplemental volunteer support to WAT22 in any board identified capacity
  • To identify, plan and facilitate opportunities for community education and outreach regarding the services provided by WAT22, additional resources available through partnering Veteran organizations and tandem needs associated with these services and resources
  • To identify, plan and facilitate opportunities for community education and outreach regarding PTSD, depression, TBI and Veteran suicide prevention
  • To identify, plan and facilitate opportunities for the creation of new partnerships with other Veteran resource organizations in an effort to grow and strengthen a network of support for Veterans in crisis and their families
  • To provide post-crisis emotional support to and advocate for families of impacted Veterans
  • To grow the membership of this group thereby increasing our capacity for additional support of WAT22 and maintain current and up to date membership files for all auxiliary members
  • To compile and create resource materials for Veterans in crisis and their families
  • To fully support any additional organization initiatives in keeping with the mission and values of WAT22 at all times