WE ARE THE 22 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
combating the veteran suicide epidemic through direct, peer-based suicide intervention
We Are the 22 is the groundbreaking organization focused on direct veteran suicide intervention. Our teams are on standby twenty-four hours a day to respond in person to Arkansas veterans in suicidal crisis to provide peer support and get them to the help they need.
Nationwide, 22 veterans lose their lives to suicide everyday. We hope to change that statistic to zero through peer mentorship between veterans. Our Veteran Suicide Response teams are trained in ASIST, and SafeTalk, and also receive in-house training. When we are notified of a Veteran in Crisis in the state of Arkansas our responders do the one thing that no one else does. We drop everything and actually go to that Veteran.
Responder Assistance Donations
Exhausted and emotionally tired veterans need our help more than ever and we will admit, the task at hand is daunting. We could not do this without the financial assistance of individuals like you.
Help us continue our mission
Your donation will also help to provide the resources necessary for us to become more effective in not only our war on veteran suicide here at home in Arkansas, but to expand our operations abroad so we can save more of our brothers and sisters lives.
Make a gift today to support our response efforts

Become a Volunteer
As a volunteer driven organization, Responders are the tip of the spear in the war on veteran suicide. We are always seeking veterans to join us in our mission. The process starts by simply clicking the link. After you provide us with some information, we’ll reach back out to you for an interview.
Our vetting process is thorough and our training is comprehensive. Once you submit your application, we go over everything in detail with you.
While Responders make up the bulk of our volunteer efforts, there are other opportunities as well. One Responder put it this way: “WAT22 is like an Infantry Battalion. Responders are the boots on the ground but we’re supported by all the other areas from supply to personnel to a clear chain of command.”
Our current need is primarily Responders but we are also in need of Dispatchers to answer the help lines.
And you can help us by sporting some of our gear
This isn't just stylish gear, its a conversation starter. What is WAT22 they will ask. Right now, the conversation is everything! So get your gear and get people talking!
Fill out this form and a representative will contact you to answer all of your questions.
Get the conversation started, with no obligations on your part.